Gutenberg - Where do we start?

Nicola Heald

will be doing the talking soon

Why Gutenberg?

Why now?

Setting up JavaScript

$ wget
$ bash

This installs nvm, the Node Version Manager which lets you install the latest command line JavaScript engine.

Install the latest Long Term Support version of Node

$ nvm install lts/*

Activate the latest Long Term Support version of Node

$ nvm use lts/*

You will need to do this each time you start your session.

Create a plugin for your block

$ npx create-guten-block my-new-plugin

Start the development environment

$ cd my-new-plugin
$ npm start

Let's make a block!

Blocks have

  • Attributes.
  • An edit component that provides the editing UI.
  • A save component the generates the HTML to save in the post.

Example: a block that lets me select which programming language I'm using, and publishes how that's making me feel in the post.

Defining the attributes that the block has

const attributes = {
	currentFeel: {
		type: 'string'

Attribute reference in the Gutenberg Handbook

Write the edit and save components.

An example component.

const HelloWorldComponent = function( props ) {
	const { name } = props;
	return <p>Hello, { name }!</p>;

Using that component.

<HelloWorldComponent name="World" />

Define a new React Component for the editing UI

const edit = function( props ) {

A block's properties have a function for setting attributes. Using it makes sure that the editor is notified that the block has changed and the post is updated.

const { setAttributes } = props;

The attributes are one of the component's properties.

We get the currentFeel from the attributes so we can render a select control with the current feeling selected.

const { currentFeel } = props.attributes;

Define a function we can use to set the new attribute value when the select control changes.

const setFeels = ( event ) => {
		{ currentFeel: }

Arrow functions

Render the component as a prompt and a select control.

return (
	<p>Today, I am writing
			onChange={ setFeels } value={ currentFeel }>
			<option value="angry and tired">Perl</option>
			<option value="calm and approachable">JavaScript</option>

The finished edit component

const edit = function( props ) {
	const { setAttributes } = props;
	const { currentFeel } = props.attributes;

	const setFeels = ( event ) => {
			{ currentFeel: }

	return (
		<p>Today, I am writing <select onChange={ setFeels } value={ currentFeel }>
				<option value="like I want to burn everything">C++</option>
				<option value="calm and approachable">JavaScript</option>

Define the save component

const save = function( props ) {
	const { currentFeel } = props.attributes;
	return (
		<p>Today, I am feeling { currentFeel }!</p>

Register the block!

registerBlockType( 'wpmeetup/block-demo', {
	title: __( 'Feelings block' ),
	icon: 'shield',
	category: 'common',
	keywords: [
		__( 'How do I feel' ),
	attributes: attributes,
	edit: edit,
	save: save,
} );


Further reading: You Don't Know JavaScript - free book series taking you from the basics of JavaScript programming to the more complex ES6 syntax and concepts.

A JSX primer at

Components can be a lot more complex, responding to external events and having internal state.

More to learn: The React "Getting Started" guide.

Gutenberg Block Examples

Gutenberg Handbook

Getting started with React



@notnownikki on twitter

slides available at